Vitamins For A Healthy, Glowing Skin

As winter approaches, one of the most dreadful things to deal with for all of us is dull and dry skin. While the climate is pleasant and enjoyable for all of us, our skin tends to usually start feeling pale and dull due to the lack of moisture on the skin. In fact winter is the time when you need to be extra careful and take good care of your skin. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and taking good care of it should be your priority at all times. While using night creams, sunscreen and most importantly moisturizers is helpful and mandatory there is something more you need to do to make your skin look healthy from outside and inside. Intake of vital vitamins is very crucial for a healthy, glowing skin, particularly during the wintertime. Some of the crucial vitamins you need to include in your diet are vitamin C, E, D and K.

Here’s a detailed explanation given by expert doctors in Dubai and skin-specialist on how to consume this essential vitamins and how they can help you. Read below to know more:

Vitamin D

This vitamin is often found in sunlight and is generally absorbed by your body. Vitamin D is consumed by your liver and kidney and from there is transported throughout the body to improve the healthy cells. Most importantly vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining your skin tone. Diseases like psoriasis can also be treated by vitamin D. There are some over the counter creams available in the pharmacies in Dubai that comprise of vitamin D. You can plan on using these. For natural consumption of vitamin D go for early morning walks for 20 minutes in the sun. Foods like tuna fish or salmon too contain vitamin D.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another essential vitamin to maintain the health and wellness of your skin. It has great anti-oxidant properties that can work wonders in keeping your skin healthy and glowing. You can also rely upon certain supplements of Vitamin C as it can help in bringing more effective results to your skin. Vitamin C also helps in fighting signs of aging and hence is a must for everyone. Not just this, it also helps in reducing wrinkles. There are many over-the-counter supplements that you can buy from the pharmacies in Dubai. Besides this, foods like oranges, broccoli, spinach etc. are great sources of vitamin C too.

Vitamin E                    

Just like vitamin C, vitamin E too is an antioxidant and helps to protect your skin from unwanted elements and most importantly the harmful UV rays. It helps to minimize the damage that is caused by the UV rays and also helps in preventing dark spots and wrinkles. There are many skincare products you can try in order to improve consumption of vitamin E. also increase your consumption of foods like nuts and seeds. This can include almonds, sunflower seeds etc.

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