Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Losing weight quickly has become a mania these days with over-hyped medicines, pills and crash diet courses. But little does one know that although these tricks might help in drastically reducing your weight, they have a very short term effect on your body. Adapting these techniques for weight loss will give you a temporary effect with many side effects. When you crash diet you also end up losing your muscle weight. This is extremely harmful for your body and dieticians and doctors never recommend such techniques for weight loss. There are many other harmful effects like hair loss, lack of haemoglobin in blood, weak digestion power, fatigue etc.

For a healthy weight loss you must understand that losing weight should be done in a balanced and realistic manner. We have come up with a few pro tips that will not only help you in losing weight but will also help in balancing your weight throughout your fitness journey.

Take a look at the tips below for a stronger and fitter body:

This might sound too slow for you or you might even think that losing weight at such a slower pace might not be effective, but trust us this is the best way to achieve your dream weight. Losing more than 3 pounds a week is okay only for a week or two, but not more than that. A dietician will never ask you to cut down your calorie intake drastically. Consider weight loss as a fitness journey and make healthy eating a routine for best results.

Target losing 2 to 3 pounds a week only

This might sound too slow for you or you might even think that losing weight at such a slower pace might not be effective, but trust us this is the best way to achieve your dream weight. Losing more than 3 pounds a week is okay only for a week or two, but not more than that. A dietician will never ask you to cut down your calorie intake drastically. Consider weight loss as a fitness journey and make healthy eating a routine for best results.

Change your mind-set

As we said, consider weight loss as a fitness journey. Never push yourself too hard or starve yourself, merely just to lose weight. Remember to take breaks in between from your diet and pamper yourself with your favourite dish.

Check your weight only once a week

Doctors and nutritionists will always ask you to not check your weight regularly. This is because your weight may vary each day and a little increase of weight on the scale may frustrate you and you may give up on your fitness journey.

Measure your body fat percentage

Every week take measurement of your body and its fat percentage. This keeps you well aware if you’re on the right track. This also helps in identifying the areas you need to work more on. Remember only losing weight will never give you a fit and toned body. It will only make you weaker and less active.

Destress yourself

The best way to lose weight quickly is not through crash diets but through a stress-free life. Stress is the biggest roadblock to your weight loss journey. Meditate every day, take a good night sleep, and massage your body with relaxing oils. These will surely boost your motivation and dedication towards losing weight.

If these tips are followed well, we assure that you will surely benefit your body not only physically but also mentally. More importantly, embrace your body the way it is and start loving and believing in your own self.

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