Things To Know About Heart Rate

Even if you are not any sports athlete, it is extremely important for every individual to know and have knowledge about their heart rate. Knowing your heart rate is one of the most important things because this way you can monitor your fitness level in a much better way. Not only this when you are well aware about your heart rate you can ensure a healthy lifestyle and avoid any health related issues at an early stage.

Generally a normal heart rate for adults is between 60 to 100 Beats in a minute. As per some of the top cardiologists and doctors in Dubai it is suggested that those individuals who have a lower heart rate are said to have a more fit or efficient heart. It also implies that you have a better cardiovascular health as compared to others.

However as you start ageing it is quite normal that your heart rate may fluctuate and the regularity of your heartbeat may also Change. While minor changes are okay if however your heart rate changes at a faster pace it is possible that you may be suffering from a heart condition. In a case like this it is important that you immediately consult a cardiologist.

For those who wish to measure the heart rate some of the best ways to measure them are checking your wrist, the top of your foot or inside your Elbow.

One should also know that there are various factors that can affect your heart rate. We have listed below some of them.

The Air Temperature

It is said that generally when the temperature tends to saw your heart Main pump more blood. This can indicate an increase in your pulse rate however it is not more then up to 10 beats in a minute.

Your Body Position

Another factor that can affect your heart rate is your body position. It depends on what position your body is then checking your heart rate. For instance your heart rate may very when you are resting as compare to that when you are standing.


It is a common and well-known fact that those individuals who are suffering from any kind of anxiety or are stressed tend to have higher pulse rate as compare to those who have a calm mind.

Your Body Type

This factor is generally applicable to those individuals who suffer from health-related issues such as excessive weight gain or obesity. Those suffering from obesity Issues generally have higher pulse rate.

Some of the other factors that can affect your heart rate include your age, your fitness level or even the kind of medication is that you are taking.

To know more about heart rate and to treat any cardiovascular ailments, visit the finest hospitals in Dubai. You can find on Fidoc the best cardiologists practicing in Dubai.

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