How Remaining Inside Throughout The Day Is Harming Our Wellbeing

With the increase in addiction to social media or other technological developments there have been tremendous improvements made in the recent times. But what we as individuals forget to understand is that these developments have somewhat become addictive and are actually taking a toll on our health. Due to the excess use of social media or other modes of technological developments, human interaction and physical activities have come to a standstill. There is no going out or getting along with friends for a get to together. We today are addicted to the computer or laptop screen. While these might seem fun what we fail to understand is that this may cause severe health issues in future. Doctors in Dubai have always recommended at least 45 minutes of good physical activity for everyone. We have listed down some of the major problems that can be caused in case you are spending too much time inside your house doing nothing productive. Read below to know more:

It Causes Fatigue

You may not realise, but staying inside the house all day is actually tiring. It causes fatigue and makes you feel lazy. You stamina degrades and you are unable to cope up with the daily activities like household chores. It drastically affects your immune system and can have a negative impact on your health.

It Can Weaken Your Bones

Your body and bones require some amount of daily sunlight. Staying home all day long means you are deprived of this and thus can affect your bones. Lack of sunlight exposure can weaken your bones and cause health complications in future

You Become Overweight

This is by far one of the most noticeable changes you will find in yourself and probably one of the most dreadful one.  Staying home all day long means consuming up on a lot of calories. However, when you do not burn these calories there is a very high chance of gaining weight. Increase in weight has its own share of problems and can impact various parts of your body.

You Become Isolated And Sad

Socializing and staying in touch with your folks and family is always good for your mental health. When you stay isolated at home without staying in touch with anyone you are bound to feel lonely and sad. Your self-confidence lowers and you tend to get more depressed. Not only this, it causes mental health problems like anxiety, depression and stress. As per research conducted by many clinics in Dubai and hospitals in Dubai, people who tend to stay indoors more are affected with mental issues. It impacts your professional life as you may lose focus from work. Besides this, it also impacts your personal life and lack of maintaining relations with your dear ones can strain your relationship with them. It deprives you of enough sleep and can thus do no good to you.

Remember to maintain a balance in life. Give importance to your health and step out in a fresh environment every day!

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