How To Identify If You Suffer From A Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is probably one of the most scariest and painful experience that an individual goes through. This type of ailment generally occurs as a result of shoulder pain. Frozen shoulder generally a car slowly over time and can drastically affect the functioning of your arm. When an individual suffers from a problem like frozen shoulder, the pain or the tightness can make it extremely hard to perform even daily activities like washing dishes or even combing hair. Also if you are a female you must have noticed extreme difficulty reaching behind your back to zip up a dress. Men find it extremely difficult to reach out to the wallet kept at the back pocket when suffering from problem like frozen shoulder. Wearing a belt also can be extremely painful.

When it comes to diagnosing whether you are suffering from a frozen shoulder or not you need to know that there is no special test or an extra day required to deter mine if you suffer from this condition. To find out if you have been suffering from frozen shoulder you can observe the range of motion of your shoulder. Read below to know more:

Try standing in front of a mirror or you can also ask a family member to observe you when you move your arm and your shoulder. Now the most important thing for you to notice is the quantity all the way your shoulder movement is. You also need to look at the quality of the motion and try to find out if both your shoulders and hands have the same motion.

Try raising both your arms up in the air. If you have been suffering from a frozen shoulder it is but natural that you may suffer extreme pain at some point of time when you raise your arm. Also as you lift your hand you can feel the pain and your shoulder. If this is the symptom that you notice it is possible that you are suffering from a frozen shoulder. Also while conducting this activity if you feel the pain slowly lower down your arms rather than immediately pushing it downwards.

Another way to identify if you suffer from a frozen shoulder is by lifting your arms towards the side and again observing the kind of motion that occurs. If you notice that your shoulder cannot go up and you suffer extreme pain it is a clear sign of a frozen shoulder.

If you have been noticing any of these symptoms after conducting these tests it is likely possible that you suffer from a frozen shoulder. You need to consult physical therapist or doctors in Dubai who can further evaluate your condition. There are different stages to a frozen shoulder and the pain and movement restrictions keeps worsening after every stage. Hence it is important that you seek treatment at an early stage in order to avoid the severity of the pain.

Under physical therapy given in the clinics in Dubai the therapist will work towards decreasing your pain. You are she will also guide you with certain exercises that can offer relief and improve your condition. In certain cases they may also prescribe certain painkillers to ease the pain.

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