Everything You Need To Know About Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the most aggressive forms of medicines today that is used to destroy the rapidly growing cells in the body. It is generally used to treat cancer as the cancer cells tend to grow faster as compare to that of other cells. A Doctors in Dubai who specializes in this type of treatment is called as an oncologists. Generally chemotherapy is used along with combination of other therapies and treatments like operations surgeries, radiations and other medical treatments that can help in curing cancer. How are ever this depends on a number of factors such as the stage of the cancer that the patient suffers from, the overall health of the patient, if a patient has been diagnosed with cancer previously, the place on location of the cancer cells and lastly the preferences of patients as to which treatment they would like to undergo. Usually chemotherapy is a systematic treatment. And while chemotherapy is one of the most effective treatments to destroy or attack the cancer cells it can cause some serious side effects that can impact the overall quality of life of a patient. Hence before you decide to undergo a chemotherapy treatment it is important that you discuss in details about its side effects with your doctor.

Some Of The Common Reasons Why Chemotherapy Is Used Are:

  • To decrease the number of cancer cells in your body
  • To decrease the Probability of the cancer spreading
  • To shrink the size of the tumor
  • And to reduce the current symptoms of cancer

Below is the detailed guide that explains how you can prepare for a chemotherapy

Because chemotherapy is a very serious treatment it is very important that you plan everything out before you opt for this treatment. There are many doctors in Dubai and hospitals in Dubai that will help you anticipate the potential problems that are associated with chemotherapy. Before a patient decides to begin the chemotherapy he or she may have to undergo a series of test to determine if they are healthy enough to undergo chemotherapy. Various examinations of your blood and heart will be conducted to identify the health of your liver. These tests will also help your doctor in understanding which kind of chemotherapy will be suitable for your head. Your doctor may also recommend you visit the dentist before starting with the treatment. This is because any infection in your gums could potentially spread throughout your body and because chemotherapy affects your body’s ability to heal quickly this May have a negative impact on your overall health.

Below a certain preparation tips that you need to keep in mind before undergoing a chemotherapy treatment.

Start making arrangements for your work. Not a lot of people know that most people can walk during chemotherapy. Although make sure that you are not bombarded with a lot of work so that you get ample of the test.

Make sure that you stock up on SA shall groceries as you may be too weak to go out immediately after your first session.

Ask a friend or family member to help you out with the daily household chores so that you can rest enough.

Make sure that you ask your doctor what side-effects you May suffer from.

Try joining a support group as it can help you calm your fears and clear various doubts that you have about the treatment.

Check out some of the best oncologists and hospitals in Dubai for chemotherapy treatment.

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